Thursday, September 30, 2010

Stunning news


My sister is getting married!  She's been with her fiance for about 5 months, and I'm very happy for her.  I am a little concerned, because she seemingly hasn't been with this guy for a long time (She's had relationships in the past stretching for 1-2 years), but some people are just like that--they hit an age or a time when they just become ready for the whole marriage thing, and perhaps that's the way it is with her, and she's finally found the one.  I've never met her fiance; my mom really likes him, so I'm looking forward to meeting him.

(Just fyi about the above...I'm not sure how "out" this is supposed to be, so please hold off on spreading this news or congratulating her on any public social networking sites.)

Apparently I'm not allowed to tell my brother, because my sister and my mom are engaging in some sort of weird familial hazing revenge.  My sister is just going to "wear the ring around for a bit and let him figure it out for himself".  (For anyone who missed this section of my life, my brother waited until his girlfriend was in her third trimester to tell us she was pregnant.  He also neglected to tell us that he got married to her a while back.  My mom was very understandably hurt by the whole situation of not being told.)  My sister made a point of telling my mom first, and now, I am apparently asked not to tell my brother.  It's my sister's engagement, so I am honoring that request (to honor her engagement, and not because I believe in perpetuating an atmosphere of secrecy).

I am sick as all get out since Tuesday night; I think I caught a bad cold or the flu when I attended out-of-state class last weekend.


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