Saturday, December 18, 2010

Medical Transcription

WOW I didn't bealive how much was going to be involved in this medical transcription course good thing its free or I so wouldn't be doing this right now. I have yet to do anything with the stuff my mother bought me while I was visiting her. the Kinect for the x-box hope we have enough room for it. I also have the yudo screen printer that I should be figuring it out so that I have something for the spring craft fairs. My step dad bought me a Kodak printer that is still in the box. I've just been so tired and getting caught up with everything from being gone is no picnic. I also got the bad news that about half the bison meat that Mr Man got in Montana from that hunt went bad so we only have a little bit of it but some is better than none, but Mr Man is in a bad mood because he can't blame anyone but himself for it going bad he wasn't paying enough attention to it. Well time for me to get back to more medical terminology.

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