Friday, December 24, 2010

Shopping at Target

OK so I think I have to stop shopping at target on high volume shopping days like today Christmas Eve. I went to target this afternoon to buy gifts for little man as I call them the Santa presents. Well I picked up a Mega Bloks table set that was on Clearance and was looking at it and a lady comes up to me and tells me she looked at it first and wanted it, well she wasn't around when I picked it up so no I wasn't going to give it to her and she kept telling me to give it to her I finally looked at her and said that I was getting it for my son and she was out of luck. Well it didn't end their she actually followed me around the store repeatedly telling me to give her the toy that she really wanted it for her grand kids and I told her I wanted it for my son and to leave me alone. Didn't end their she checked out right behind me and followed me out side still asking for the toy! She even offered to but it from me and I told her she could probably find it at one on the walmarts in the area. She was still talking after I drove off. If it hadn't been exactly what I was looking for and really wanted for little man I would of given to her, but if she wanted one so bad why did she wait so long and why didn't she just go to one of the walmarts to get it. Well that's my Christmas story. Hope tomorrow is better Merry Christmas everybody!

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