Saturday, January 24, 2009

How to pick a career

I went to my first ALA conference today. Ladies, one should TOTALLY decide on a career based on what gets handed out at the conferences. There were many venders there today--database designers--handing out pens and posters and squeezies and other fun doodads.

And then there were the publishing houses. They handed out FREE BOOKS.

Yes, free books. Rows and rows of free books. People putting free books, publisher's proofs, into my hands. So many free books that we filled our free duffle bags (I went with the Librarian and one of her friends), went to the car because we couldn't carry anymore to drop them off, and came back to complete the circuit.

I have located heaven, and it is a librarian's conference.



Death of Houseplants said...

Free books?! Where do I sign up?

Umm... pharmaceutical conferences and drug reps never have anything that cool.

I'm jealous now.

Munchkin said...

It sounds so lovely! You might have found heaven on Earth. =)