Thursday, January 22, 2009

Scared at the Doctor

Today's Morning Sky from my back courtyard:
Alright, Ladies, so you all know I've been sick lately. My boss asked me if I was pregnant because I was throwing up so much. Then one of my mom's friends said she thought I was. When I hadn't shaken it in a week, and I was habitually ill the same time every evening, even my mother in law (The Librarian) suggested maybe it was the case.

Ladies. I had my yearly physical yesterday, and these crazy-ass sentiments of others that I had a bun in the oven were sitting in the back of my mind. Here is what transpired.

Doctor finished asking me questions. We're moving on to the breast exam when the nurse pops in with my urine analysis. Doctor takes it, looks at it, gets a confused look on her face as she sets it down and comes back to start feeling me up.

Straight out of the blue: "So, have you and your husband ever considered having children?"

My brain: Oh, F*CK! What I say: "No. That's just not in our plans right now."

Doctor smiles. "Well, you're both young. You have time."

Now I'm confused. "You weren't going anywhere with that question, were you?"

Doctor looks confused. "No--why?"

Thank God! There was an unusually high white count in my urine, and the rest was serendipity. Not pregnant. I explained everything and me and the Doc had a good laugh over it. BTW: do not laugh during a PAP smear. It's painful.



Munchkin said...

Oh dear lord. I knew you weren't pregnant. I am so sorry you had to laugh too I bet it was miserable.

Death of Houseplants said...

That's good to know! I will remember that tip next time I go to the girlie doctor.