Monday, October 12, 2009

At least I was prepared this time

My laptop crashed again. Just wouldn't start on Sunday morning--same deal as before, black screen and a cursor.

And I'm thinking, oh no, this is not an OS issue.

We reloaded the OS. If it's crashed again, it's the hard drive. Or worse, because the hard drive is passing diagnostics, it might be the motherboard. Just in case, I contacted Dell to see if they had any tricks. My warranty on hardware defects is still good through November 10th, and my rep Amit says they will replace any defective parts to my satisfaction.

The good news is everything was backed up this time.

In other news, school this last weekend was a total waste of my time. My teacher announced to the whole class that she has a compressed disc in her back and is trying to lose weight using an appetite suppressant at the same time, so she's basically checked out of her regular mental faculties. She graded our first round of papers in this state, and did not do so fairly. She told us at the first class weekend that she found it appropriate to use the first person in our reflective papers (because they are, well, reflective). And then she marked us all down to a D average for using the first person, because "It is NEVER okay to use the first person in APA format!!!"

This paper was worth 15% of the final grade, which means some people are already so far down on points they will not be able to receive better than a B for the class (we go on academic probation for B- or less). Then she used literally 6 o=hours to discuss changes she was making to the syllabus. Then she spent another 2 describing how she wanted to change the final project from a paper to a presentation, but people kept asking questions about how she was changing various components and she was just making it up as she went, taking no notes. Then by the end she was so confused she just said "You know what, forget the last 2 hours--I'll think about it and send an email tomorrow." So, my time has been wasted. And, it's 2 days later--no email.

I hate it when professors do this. I do my homework and turn it in on time. The teacher's homework is to have a functional syllabus and a lesson plan--not to waste my time by making me watch her dick around with shit she should have done before the class even started in August. Out of a total 12 hours of class this weekend, we had 3 hours of structured learning.

Then she witched at us because several people had computer issues without backing up their work. She told everyone they needed to run out and buy an 8GB flash drive and use it to store their work. Mind you, not back up, but store. She apparently has everything from her entire college career to present on this one flash drive. And it only costs $20, so we all need to conform to that standard. Someone raised their hand and said she used an external hard drive for backup, so that was an option, and the teacher looked at this woman and said "those are way too pricey--I don't recommend them."

So I raised my hand and said all my school stuff is backed up on Zoho, which is free. And the teacher looked at me and said "Yeah, but I can take this flash drive with me in my pocket and I never have to log into anything!"

Well, from then on I fumed. (After speaking with classmates, I was not the only one--everyone hates this witch now). I like my backup copies passwords protected, like the originals, thank you very much. I also like them stored at a facility that makes additional backups. I like them accessible wherever, whether I'm on my own computer or not, and without having to remember to take a flash drive with me. I have also experienced the misfortune of having lost flash drives, or having them malfunction and erase my files. But alas, pocketability is apparently the most important thing when considering where to store your digital life.

So we get to class the next day and the class is even more pissed at the teacher because she failed to post that day's slides to the class blog the night before. Why? Well, we have to forgive her.

She left her flash drive in the classroom the night before.

I wanted to raise my hand and tell her that if it had been backed up to Zoho, this would not have been an issue, but I think she already had the idea, and wasn't happy about it. Karma's a witch, too.


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