Saturday, October 17, 2009

...Were back!

Hey Ladies,
I'm gonna try to get back in the blog spotlight. Tons of things have happened, tons of things are happening, and high school still sucks!
Mr. Q is working full time, and going to school full time. I see him in passing now.
I still am unemployed, and I think that makes me officially useless. Avon is not paying the bills yet but its something to do. I am still hopefully optimistic about getting a job before I have been unemployed for a year.
High school is still high school, the faces have changed but its till the same game. I'M HALF WAY DONE! Its something to celebrate for sure.
I got a washer and dryer a few days ago. They are wonderful! The dryer is acting up but I think its just being too smart for me. I might have to read the manual! Today my Uncle dropped off a fridge and a oven. The fridge is really old but its better than the back up in the garage. Of course the oven is too big for my kitchen so we are sill brain storming about how to get a working oven in the house. Mean while I may be cooking in the garage. (what will the neighbors think!)


Fuzzy said...

Thats great that you are half done just think how worth it is and don't pay attention to the bad parts how do you think I managed to get my business managment degree by just doing it, mainly to make my mother happy and now I am paying for it litterally those loans have come due bleh. Well anyway good for you.

Alula Borealis said...

As J.R.R. Tolkien once said, "Little by little, one travels far."

For me, school seems to hang out at two extremes: the times it's flying by, and the times it's taking forever.

But as you said, definitely something to celebrate!

Munchkin said...

Sweet. Keep it up lady!