Friday, February 19, 2010

Sleeping in a Blue Plastic Gown

We're still in the hospital.

Thursday, after all the tests came back, we found out that Mr. B has been colonized by a bunch of bad bacteria (it's called C. Diff). Ironically, as I've found from Googling this online, he was probably exposed to this bacteria back when he was in for his first colonoscopy in January, and then the antibiotics his doctor gave him for a tummy ache gave them fuel to grow. It's been exacerbating his ulcerative colitis to an extreme extent.

C. Diff is easy to treat. Unfortunately, it is also extremely contagious to anyone who has a compromised immune system (so if you are healthy and have a normal immune system, it doesn't pose a threat, but for people who are already sick it can be detrimental). So the hospital makes us all gown up to go into his room to reduce the threat that we bring any spores back out with us:

It's a lot of fun to sleep in a chair that almost fully reclines in this ensemble, let me tell you.

So the plan of action right now is to treat the bacterial infection (it's taken over his entire large intestine at this point) and continue to treat the ulcerative colitis, and hope for the best.

Last night the nurse attempted to double dose my husband by bringing both a full dose of Lialda (which he is supposed to be on) and one of Asacol (which he is not)--both of these drugs contain mesolamine. And they tried to skip his prednisone, which could have stopped his heart, thank God we remembered when the nurse didn't! It got delivered about 6 hours late, but he's still alive.



Fuzzy said...

that sounds like so much fun let me know if you need something

Q said...

I too have had the joy of sleeping in that chair!

Death of Houseplants said...

Oh gosh, C. Diff... Did you know one of the treatment methods, when vancomycin fails is a fecal transplant?

Poor guy, I hope he feels better soon!