Sunday, February 7, 2010

Update on Mr. B

He's still sick. I think he's getting sicker, but it's hard to tell. He fakes a good attitude really well when he wants to.

He's nauseas all the time now. He's having trouble keeping his pills for the ulcerative colitis down, which means the ulcerative colitis won't get better if those pills don't make it to his colon.

He's hungry, but when he eats he gets sick again about 15-30 minutes later; he's really angry about it because he gets sick when he doesn't eat, too. The antibiotics that doctor has him on make it extremely worse, so he's stopped taking them. He throws up when he eats and when he doesn't. We haven't been able to identify a food trigger--everything comes back up, including water.

He's extremely weak and shaky today, and his parents are losing faith in his doctor. The reason he was hospitalized last time was because they didn't get things under control fast enough, he lost to much weight, and then he was too weak to heal himself. When Mr. B's father asked the doctor why they didn't just put him on what worked last time, the doctor said he wanted to try antibiotics and he would "look into what happened last time." He never did. His father is taking him back in and they are going to demand the drug that worked last time.

I am now worried that this will be the 2nd Valentine's day we spend in the hospital. It's February 7th today; they last time he was admitted on February 13th, and the timeline is ripe for that happening again. (And so help me God--none of you had better call this "romantic" or some bull crap like that. Last time, when we were seniors in high school, a friend told me she thought it was terribly romantic that I was sitting by his bedside for Valentine's day because "it's just like The English Patient." It's not romantic to watch someone you love waste away from an incurable disease.)

Also, Mr. B has asked that I not tell anyone about what's going on. However, I'm freaking out, and I think my friends have a right to know that's why I'm weird lately. He doesn't even want his parents to know. I am struggling to do this alone. So please act like I didn't tell you anything if you talk to him, or he might start hiding his symptoms more.


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