Monday, December 29, 2008

The Borealis Family Christmas Adventure

Apologies it's long--none of these places had internet so this represents my whole week. I've also commented on your last posts since getting back. :)

Well, we got back last night. I don't think I told you all about the last-minute vacation we planned to visit our out of town grandparents; here goes:

The day before we left (Teusday, December 23rd), my WALL-E tree arrived. For those of you unfamiliar with this movement, if you buy a copy of WALL-E the movie you can use a special code online to have them send you a totally free tree that is native to your area. Of course, I was all over this, and our free tree, a Blue Spruce, arrived that day looking just like a Charley Brown Christmas:
I planted it indoors, but we're putting it outside in the Spring in our back courtyard. We drove out to Oklahoma on Christmas Eve. Here's Kansas: Those blurry black dots are cows. Imagine ten hours of this while reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince aloud and eating fast food and you've pretty well got the idea of my Christmas Eve.

Christmas Day we woke up at Mr. Borealis's maternal grandmother. She's onery, in her seventies, and unapologetically smokes like a damn chimney. Nice old woman, but this trip just about killed my lungs. We stayed with her the three nights we were in Oklahoma City because everyone and their mom stays at his paternal grandparents and winds up way too many to a room with no privacy. We only woke up there, though; Day 1 belonged to the paternal grandparents, and we opened presents and ate and yadda yadda yadda, there was much rejoicing. I helped one of his little cousins set up her nifty new IPod and she was so happy she nearly peed herself (really cute). Of course, this represented Xmas Round 2 for us, because we did Xmas with my immediate family the Monday evening before to accomdate everyone's schedules.

Day 2, the day after Christmas, aka Xmas Round 3, belonged to Mr. Borealis's maternal Grandmother (the smoker). More presents and eating, and watching old family videos of Mr. B and his generation when they were kids opening presents. I told Q a few weeks back that there were 3 reasons Mr. B was going to change his mind and want kids some day--1) Everyone in his family has kids and his biologic clock was ticking down, 2) He fears being the sole provider, but the second I have a "real" job he won't have this pressure, and 3) Mr. Borealis subconciously likes screwing me over, and the second I establish myself in a career he will decide it is my duty to sit in a corner and gestate. Folks, reason number one approaches; while watching the family videos he remarked on how cute his little sister was, then he looked at me with this silly-ass grin and says: "I want one!"

Yeah. Not happening. I told him to pay a surrogate because I have not the time, money, or desire to kill my body when we already have perfectly good nieces and nephews. Anyone who tells you I don't already have kids lies.

Day number 3, aka Xmas round 4, we drove up from Oklahoma City to visit my maternal grandmother in Tulsa. Two uncles, an aunt, and a cousin were also there; they thought we had picked up smoking when we walked in the door because the smell from Mr. B's grandmother had thoroughly soaked into our cloths and hair. I'm currently washing EVERYTHING trying to get the smell out. Mr. B annoyedly has sprayed everything down with air freshener already; didn't help.

We went to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; I give it three stars out of five. Wasn't fantastic. After the movie the restrooms were crowded, and the girl in line behind me was on her cell phone. She continued her conversation into the stall, out of the stall, to the sinks, and right out of the bathroom. Never stopped talking. That's classy.

Here we are driving out of Tulsa:

So Merry (Late) Christmas to all! I'm in the process of taking down the Xmas deco around the site and replacing it with other wintery fare; we might get a new layout for the 1st.

And a Happy New Year!


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