Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A Generic Welcome

Welcome to the blog, gang! You can see the intended topic of posting. I have to give credit to Q for coming up with the name; I believe we originally wanted to use it to share with the world the average life span of a leech. Alas, we have been unable to locate this information, so the world will have to do without. If you or any of your friends happen to know this information from a reputable source, please inform us so we may feel that our lives are in some respect more complete.

A quick reminder to all that this is to be a CLEAN site! This means no jokes about pigs and mud! But really, please keep it PG or I will have to hunt you down and slap you with a ruler. And those of you who know me know how cranky I get whilst hunting people down.

But that’s about the only criteria I have for the site. Keep it clean, and please have a point. No pointless posting. Pointless stories are okay as long as they get a laugh. Otherwise the ruler comes out.


Death of Houseplants said...

Is this really what I think it is? Or am I dreaming?

Alula Borealis said...

That would depend on what you think it is. Are you thinking what I think you're thinking it is??

Q said...

Or are you thinking what it might not be under normal circumstances or what it may be under the influence or mercury?