Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Q I think my powercord is at your house

Down 3 lbs. from start of diet.

Yep, I just finished downing a bagel with cream cheese. My boss offered, so I couldn't refuse. Also, today is turning into what I call a "high creativity day."

Yep. It's one of *those* days.

To summarize my morning: Woke up on time, went downstairs and couldn't find my usual morning weather program. Decided to make my own coffee instead of buying to save money. Couldn't find my usual mug so wound up using Mr. Borealis's. Went upstairs to find my pants, could not find said pants, emptied hamper looking for said pants before finding them in the wardrobe where they always are. Put on elusive pants, then could not find deodorant. Look at clock and realize that despite being up on time, I am now running 5 minutes late. Open a new deodorant, apply, finish dressing. Go downstairs, grab coffee, briefcase, notebooks, phone, and keys and head out to the car.

Get halfway to Mr. Q's residence (we carpool), and realize that even though I stared right at it, I left my laptop sitting in my office. Turn car around to retreive laptop and arrive at my residence exactly when I'm supposed to be at Mr. Q's. Call Mr. Q while retrieving laptop to say I'm still coming, he does not answer, call Q to see where Mr. Q is, she does not answer. Get back in car with laptop and drive like hard-to-find pants are on fire to get to Mr. Q's, arrive 15 minutes late.

Mr. Q's car is gone--I've missed him.

Decide to drive to work myself, find Mr. Q pulling out of of coffee joint on the way, chat briefly through the car windows and decide to drive separate so as not to make us both more late.

Start driving to work. Almost immediately spill self-made coffee down my front because the mug is unfamiliar. Brain autopilots and I somehow wind up Westbound (the way I go to school) instead of Eastbound (the way I go to work). It takes me 5 minutes to figure out I'm going the wrong way, I pull off and turn around. An accident on the road causes a 15 minute delay.

Finally arrive at work, thinking the madness is done. Oh no, dear reader, it is not.

Drop my phone getting out of the car. No significant damage, but some scuffing. With keys in pocket and wedged between my own SUV and the one I parked too close to next to it, and now ladden down with notebooks, coffee, laptop, briefcase, and cell phone, I slam locked car door shut and the strap of my briefcase becomes lodged in locked car door. I have no way to free briefcase without dropping everything, so that's what I do.

I manage to get in the office door--by some miracle, only 30 minutes late, and only mildly stained by the spilled coffee. Go to my office to set up, and discover that the powercord to my laptop is not in the bag, and I've lost my flashdrives somewhere. Have to borrow a colleague's computer for the day, which is always extremely awkward.

Oh joy. I can't wait to see what happens after lunch!

Case Point: I'm allowed to have a bagel on a morning like this. And Q, I think my powercord is at your house.

I'm buying a lotto ticket later,


Q said...

I’m sorry you had one of those days! We have all been there. I’m almost sure Mercury is in retro. Yes your power cord is at my house.

Death of Houseplants said...

Mercury has been retrograde since January 25th. At least according to my spiffy calender.