Monday, February 11, 2008

I get Garfield

For the longest time I never understood why Garfield hated Mondays. I personally never liked Tuesdays, and Thursdays were pretty bad too. On Monday, I was normally refreshed from the weekend, and ready to get on with the week, even more so when it was a week of learning. This is all until recently, when I started working in a pharmacy. (We've had a letter go out on one of our signs so at night, my store is a harmacy.)

Ladies, do not go to the pharmacy on a Monday. I'm begging you. Unless you like pure untamed chaos. Then just go hang out there. Or if you want to play a prank on the staff, pull out some copy paper and ask how long it will take to wait on 12 prescriptions, and watch the person at the window faint.

On a Monday a pharmacy is dealing with a whole weekend's worth of problems along with a rather busy day's. All the dr's offices, the wholesalers, and a bunch of insurance companies are closed over the weekend. So nothing gets taken care of until Monday.

The crazies also tend to come in on Mondays as well. Thankfully no one has handed me a bag of lice yet. But I've caught the crazy, since I want to go to pharmacy school.

Since both of you have posted crafty things, I think it's my turn. For my entry I have:

A hat that looks like a pineapple.


Alula Borealis said...


That's awesome, Lilly. You made me laugh out loud in a school computer lab. Please post a picture of someone wearing the pineapple hat!?

Q said...

I very stuck on the the idea that you once liked Mondays!