Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Movies and Rat Cancer

...And it's only Wednesday!

Health is bad, feel like poo. But trying to keep optimistic, as Mr. Borealis (MD, apparently) informs me that my "constant pessimism" is the reason my health is bad. I kind of think it's the other way around, but then, that's just me. He's out of town again until Friday, and I'm so lonely it's driving me nuts.

We've managed to see WALL-E and Hancock in the past few weeks; WALL-E was quite cute and definitely worth seeing. Hancock was ok, but probably better saved for renting price. I've heard excellent things about Get Smart (a favorite show from my childhood viewed on Nick at Nite) and The Dark Knight; apparently Heath Ledger gave my dad nightmares.

Lexis the rat had her surgery yesterday. She's doing fabulous, as bouncy as ever, and doesn't seem to quite understand the sudden enforcement of cage rest despite the 2-inch sutured gash on her right side. I'll be auctioning a fairy in her honor with proceeds going to breast cancer research (in humans) when I figure out how to do this through EBay. We're out $400 for the surgery, but at least I have my rat back.

The garden is taking over, and I now have corn and strawberries growing, and the sunflowers have started to bloom a little. I also have healthy basil, sage, spearmint, and parsley.


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