Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Baby, School, and Work

Well, Snow is doing a little better now; I watched my brother's kids Monday morning because he had something police officer-like that he had to do, and then we hung out for a while. He showed me all the new ultrasound videos they had and complained about how the hospital put the video to "elevator music" (dude, my kids can form to the tune of Blue October or Pink, not that I'm ever having any!). When I asked about May 1st, he said that because Snow's hypertension and blood pressure were doing better, the new plan was to wait and see and leave the kid in as long as they could. He's a proud daddy, showing me all the different angles in the ultrasound--"that's an arm," "that's her foot," "Oh look! She's smiling/yawning/sucking her thumb in that one!"

Then I dropped off my time off application to my Ling program; the department secretary was all shocked. Apparently she'd thought I'd changed my mind at some point and had false memories of me being in her office all the time that semester like usual. I told her that no, in fact I AM poor and I had to work. She said that was okay and she'd see me next semester.

And I spent the night at Q's on Monday; her guest bed is comfortable and I like the way the sun comes through the window in the morning. Incidentally, she tells me Munchkin is looking for a place to crash during Mr. Munchkin's Bachelor Party. My place is available--let me know if you need it.

The hiring process moves forward--my potential new boss has asked for references, which I have supplied. I am hoping so badly I get this job. It's weird because back in college my husband always wanted to work for this particular government agency, and now I find out at movie night last night that another one of my friend's wives wants to work there, too. And somehow I'm lucky enough to be the one being considered.

Today my plan is to nip up some school projects; I have a group paper to write before work(enough with the GD school projects, right?). I also have to do an online certification for doing research with human participants; having done the cert twice before for my other program, that's another 3 hours of my life I won't be getting back.


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