Monday, April 6, 2009

Why is Billy Mays yelling at me?


In preparation for my interview on Wednesday, I needed to fix a hem on my brown slacks. As it turns out, this task was not so easy--an extremely thin thread was used so the hem was not visible from the outside of the pantleg. I couldn't find the right thread, and there was no way I was going to replicate that kind of hem by hand anyways.

Then I see this commercial where Billy Mays is screaming about some fantastic new product that fixes fabrics, holds up in the wash, can withstand hurricane force winds (...and you should see it walk on water! Okay not really). Yes, I do realize they have similar fabric glues for cheap at craft stores. But then I was wandering through a certain stores that is apparently found of the Mays line of advertised products, and there it was--Mighty MendIt. And I couldn't resist.

And guess what? The stuff works. I mean, it's obviously not as good as sewing (...probably), but the hem is fixed at the glue didn't bleed through the fabric. It looks good. I'll update after the wash and tell you how it fairs.

And if I get the job, Mr. Mays will get a personal thank you note.



Munchkin said...

I hope for all our sakes that Mr. Mayes gets that thank you note, hand written in blood if you can manage it.

Q said...

Its always amazing when the as seen on tv stuff works! Take for instance patch perfect! It works!