Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter Hangover

This is the orchid that lives in my upstairs bathroom--Mr. Borealis got it for me for Valentine's Day. Orchids being picky little devils, this is the one room in the house where I’ve found the plant is reasonably happy. It gets an okay amount of sunlight from the small window, and probably immensely enjoys the humidity from our showers.

Today is the first day of spring break—no classes all week! For me, this is also the first spring break I’ve had to work. I had hoped to spend most of the week getting ahead on school work because I won’t have time to do most of it with Q’s impending marriage, but alas, my boss knows I don’t have school, and even though he doesn’t pay me, he still feels entitled to asking that I be physically in the office every single day (even though most of the work I do can easily be done from home).

Did I mention that it costs me $15 in gas round trip every time I have to drive to the office (that’s $75 dollars down the drain this week)? Did I also mention that this job is wearing on me because my boss keeps making promises and then not following through with them, like when he promised me that regular paychecks would be starting “in September”—that was almost six months ago, still no pay. And probably no intention to ever pay for the work I’ve done over the months. It's a good company and good working experience, though--I could just really use the money about now.

Which leads me to today’s topic: I think I picked the wrong major at college, and I feel like I’m wasting my life. It’s a good follow up topic the one last week, I Hate Grad School.

Q said she thinks I’m in a rut. I tend to agree, accept it feels more like my life is stuck, not my brain. The brain is full speed ahead, but the life is not conducive, and it’s killing my spirit.

On Friday I seriously considered selling or just flat out ditching all my worldly goods and catching a flight to anywhere outside the US. I think I particularly considered just going off and doing humanitarian work in Africa. On Saturday I thought it might be fun to shave my head and cut up my cloths. Thank goodness for my self control, or I’d be bald in Ethiopia right now and Mr. Borealis would be frantically calling all of you trying to figure out where I was.

I feel like I’m half a second from actually quitting school and my job to open the tea house and become a freelance artist and writer. Again, too bad about that self control. One good thing to come out of all of this is that I think I’ve fairly well decided against getting the Ph. D. my professors have been pressuring me into. I’m also thinking I might go ahead and take an extra semester completing the Master’s program, or even more—I wanted to add a certificate program and a minor in Computer Science, but thanks to the life havoc last semester I fouled those plans pretty good; extra time would put me back on track. Life moves forward; that’s what I took from last semester. I suppose that this too shall pass, but probably not before I do some more soul searching.

Keep on Looking,

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