Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter (Part duex)!

Happy Easter, everyone. We celebrated with deviled eggs (did I spell that right...? it looks like DEVILED and not DEVIL-ed) and homemade turkey pot pie, and then later by spending the evening with The Family. I love being around my brother's kids on holidays.

Anyways, I finally got pictures of the indoor garden. I planted last weekend, so this represents a single week's worth of growth (strawberries and rasberries transplated, the rest are from seeds).

These are the strawberry plants. I noted after planting them that I had done so incorrectly, but eh, I think they'll make it.

On the right is my rasberry sprig, which is already giving off new leaves. It's friend the jade plant can be seen on the kitchen sink window sill to the left.

These are my herbs (around the perimeter) and my wildflowers. The wildflowers are sproutin' like no other, and should do decently well with the wily climate in this area. As for the herbs, I noticed the basil barely peeking out on last friday morning.

This is a close up of the wildflowers.

Here are the peas (back), green peppers (front left), and mixed sunflowers (front right). The green pepper seeds are actually experimental (sort of), because I harvested them myself out of a pepper we ate last week.

Here are the pumpkins (back) and tomatoes (front). I noticed both starting to push out this morning.

Lastly, this is my orange tree. It's not technically part of the garden because it lives indoors permanently, and it's been with me for several years now, regularly producing small fruits (a large marble sized orange can be seen off to the right, and another fruit, perhaps pea-sized, is growing off the window side). It looked pretty in the sunlight and with the new leave shoots coming off so I thought I'd include this picture as well.

Here's to a great Spring,

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