Monday, February 16, 2009

Cabinet In basement!

Hey Ladies!
Mr. B and Alula Helped me get a cabinet built in my basement. I would post a picture but its a surprise Mr. Q is just gonna have to wait for! But basically my Kitchen is in the basement. Or at least the parts I do not use everyday is. Ladies I dare say there is counter space! The new stake knives are in the place of the old ones. There is room in my cabnets and I think everyting will be much eaiser to get to when I am done. Its very exciting!
By the way I have about eight weeks before he gets home, and a lot of work to do!
Poor Alula got sick from all the mold and cat hair in my house. I feel bad! I know I will feel better too when the house is not such a trash pit. Its a allergy night mare!
Wetpaw started talking smack about not having a path way though the house after they left tonight; and I told him to shove it! Really my excact works! There may be hope for me yet!
Thanks for you help Alula! Tell Mr. B too!


Alula Borealis said...

(rolls eyes) It doesn't take that much to give me an allergy attack, so don't give yourself so much credit. I think it was mostly dust from moving stuff around.

And no pathway? I left a pathway. It wasn't where the old one was, but it was present.

Is he considering moving out now, just out of curiosity?

Q said...

He is not! but he may not be here much longer of he keeps leaving the stove dirty! Its hard enough to clean up for myself right now!