Friday, June 13, 2008

My Car! (reprise)

I resituated the bird feeder. After a while, the squirrel decided it was just too darn hot to be screwing with it and crashed in the shade.

Well, my car quit on me on Monday. It is now Friday, and I still have no car. And once again, this fact is do to the crafty work of Mr. Borealis and his lackadaisical father the Procrastinator. The Procrastinator told us he would fix it Thursday (saving us a boatload of money we don't have for car repairs), except that his wife had scheduled a dinner party that night that he had been informed of and 'forgotten.' Men.

Because the car was not fixed, Mr. Borealis volunteered that I could take his car to work on Friday as I was unable to get to work at all the rest of the week. Then he woke up this morning and said, "I need to x and y and z and change the oil in my car. Blah blah blah. You can't take the car to work, I have stuff that needs to get done!" And after a week of being a hostage at the house with no transportation, I said "WELCOME TO MY WORLD!!!"

He wanted me to take one of my parent's cars. This would not have been a problem if I had called the day before and asked them (you know, around the time he was saying "Just take my car, it's not a big deal."). That way my dad could have driven the van to work, leaving his car available for me to drive without inconveniencing my mother who watches the nieces and nephews during the day and has her own car loaded with car seats.

I've decided most problems in life are caused by men and their poor communication skills.

Luckily, my mother seems to realize this and (God Bless the woman and her psychic male mind reading abilities) asked my dad to drive the van anyways so his car would be available "just in case."

I quit biting my nails like last month and started again today. Also, I've gained two pounds on my diet thanks to my inability to leave the house (read: kitchen) this week. Swore I had gone cold turkey off of fast food and was doing good these last two weeks, and then fell off the wagon at the golden arches last night. But I made some really cute fairies between bouts of programming for work in the living room--pictures to come!


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