Monday, March 2, 2009

Will Wetpaw get fired? Stay tuned to find out!

Hey Ladies!
Its been some time since I updated whats going on in Wetpaw's life. He has not been up to much, work, school, playing on the computer, and missing the toilet when he urinates. Anyway he has this really great job were he can play computer games and watch movies on the work computers all night long.... I told him this was a excellent way to get fired, but what do I know.
Last Friday he got a call a few hours before he was to be at work telling him not to come in that night and to come in on Monday morning for a meeting in the office.
"Du do, Du do, Sunday, Monday, Happy days!"
He just got back from this meeting, and what do you know; he got fired! He was fired for playing a certain online game on the work computers. I told ya so!

Mr. Q is gonna be home on his leave soon! I can't wait to get my army around him!
Munchkin I have jewelry for you wedding! I am all into it now so you might get a few different styles to pick from. The rest will end up in our store. The cleaning process on the house is paying off.


Munchkin said...

I'm so excited... Thanks for finishing some awesome jewelry and coming up with great ideas. And we SO knew Wetpaw was getting fired, lol. I am so glad he did, he has needed a wake up call for so long. Maybe now he won't think he's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Q said...

O he still does, he is just sour doe bread.

Munchkin said...

Lol... what are we going to do with him?

Alula Borealis said...

Dude I tell him off the time. I encourage everyone to try it, because Q's just too darn nice to tell the boy to take a God damn shower, do his dishes, and wash his cloths. I do that.

I even told him the truth about his college essay (sucked) and offered to help so he'd get into school. He assured me he knew best and he's not in school now.

He needs to be slapped, but sadly I leave my lashings to the tongue. We need a slapper.


Munchkin said...

I'll slap him silly... as long as you get me loads of rubbing alcohol to dip my hands and arms in immediately afterward. That would so make my day, I would pretend he's the Dr.'s office that still hasn't got me my IUD.

Death of Houseplants said...

when I'm out in April I will give him a good telling off and maybe throw something at him if you want me to. :) I'm also curious what online game he was playing on work computers (they have restrictions on stuff for a reason)