Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cat exiting a bag

Hi ladies~

So I've been keeping a secret for a while now. Why? Because my big brother, Ociffer, asked me to. Normally I wouldn't keep a secret from y'all, and I get that most of you aren't going to get the big brother thing, but this guy used to beat up kids that tried to drown me at a certain local water park, talk me off the ledge when I had to tell my parents about a C in math, and tells me where all the best strip clubs are. He was even decent enough to threaten my husband with a gun (he's a cop) the first time they met. My point is, I owe him.

Well, the talking ban has been lifted, so now I can share. This is a little hard to explain, and I don't know all the details, but here goes: I'm expecting a new niece!


She's due in July, but Ociffer's girlfriend is experiencing preeclampsia, a condition she developed during her first pregnancy (from a different relationship) as well. And yes, I said Ociffer's girlfriend--his divorce from his wife was recently finalized. And yes, divorce precedings began way before the conception of this new baby. Let's not gossip this, please (especially not to certain birth control pushing neighborhood moms, ahem, Fuzzy...), or I will hunt you down with a pitchfork and a spatula(<--don't ask what that's for). The only reason I'm adding these details is to give some background about my expanding family.

Please, all of you, respect their privacy and share on a need-to-know basis only.

So anyways, Ociffer's girlfriend, who shall be known as Snow, went into labor last week at 24 weeks. The doctors were able to stop it, but now she's on bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy. Up to this point the doctors had been saying this baby would probably be premature.

So please keep my new little niece and her mommy and the rest of her family in your prayers. I'm making new quilts for the new baby and her older brother. They are joining the family with my brother's other two kids. It works out nicely because the two boys are the same age and think the world of each other.

New Baby!


Munchkin said...

Yay! This is so exciting. I am so happy that you will have another little niece. Your brother is a lucky man. =)

Q said...

I will pray that you new nice and her mommy are going to be ok! Congratulations!