Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pimp this blog!

Alright, Ladies.

Q informs me (after our lengthy conversation on toilet paper and how certain things should not pill) that this blog layout is too boring and we need something more "foresty and mystical."

As I have found no three column blog templates online to suit this need, I shall embark on the mission of creating the layout myself. What I need from the rest of you are suggestions on things you want here and some photos--photo submissions need to be original, meaning you took them yourself. We're looking for something "Tolkien-esque" to use as a background and/or starting point for a new design.

So, what kinds of doodads do you want to see here in the future? What have we done in the past that you have liked/disliked?

Please submit any pictures you have (ones to which you own the rights so Alula doesn't get sued) that feature forests, fog, rivers, mountains, hobbits, or other fairy-tale type thingymajiggers. Design suggestions will be considered, but as this is my first major undertaking in web design, we make no promises.


1 comment:

Q said...

You have received a email with a ton of picture from me. In less than 24 hours from the request I might add!